Monday, 5 November 2012

The fascinating ascpects of the barreleye fish is the tubular eyes which excellent collecting light at depths up to 2500m.The puzzling part is that the eyes apper to be fixed in place directly above its head.This had baffled physiologists for decades because it would be almost impossible for the fish to look for food.Recently scientists using a remotely operated vehicle studied the fish at depth ranging from 600-800meters.They discovered  a previous unknown fact,the tabular eyes exist behind a transparent fluid filled down and the eyes can rotate with in a transparent shield that covers the fishe's head.This allows the fish to peer up at potentialprey or focus forward to see what it is eating.The  Barreleye fish was discovered in 1993 but the transparent nature of the fish was not known because when the fish was caught in net at a different depth of water the see through part is destroyed.
Interesting Fact:
Keep in mind when you look at the above picture that the two small holes in front of the fish are not eyes.The eyes are the two green domes inside the top of the head.

You can see a clip of the barreleye fish swimming around here.

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